⭐️SNOW SURF⭐️epic video 👇🏼🌊#abruzzo 🏔No-Made Boards 🎥 @albericomaurizio #snowsurf #powdersurfing #makaisurfshop #surfcollectivepescara #billabongeurope ##nomadeboards #laconchiglia29 #majella #ondeakm0 #csen #isasurfing #coni #adriaticsea #nomadeboards #powdertime
Pubblicato da Surf Collective Pescara su venerdì 23 febbraio 2018
In the last few months we met Surf Collective Pescara, a team of guys who dedicate like us their days to board sports and outdoor lifestyle.
Sharing our passions has led us to think that there are not only waves in Abruzzo, but also lots of snow to surf.
Thus was born the idea of working together on a new project: build and shape a SNOWSURF.